I have trouble sleeping at night anymore. I think it must be my age...must be getting really really old. LOL....anyway I saw this natural product and the reviews are terrific, so I bit the bullet and ordered. I saved $5.00 (by using the special link), picked a free item and also ordered another small item to bring my total to $20.00 (after coupon) and got free shipping. It called "Peter Gillham's Natural Vitality, Natural Calm, Organic Raspberry"
Here is the link http://iherb.com/p/5124?at=0&rcode=biw630
Has anyone heard of it? I hope it works. I think I would feel so much better if I got better rest at night.
Today is payday, and there is overtime so I have added the overtime money to different savings account once again. I added $120. to my granddaughter's account ( she will get this sometime after she becomes an adult LOL), more money to my driveway gravel savings account, and also $100. to another savings goal!
I spent a little money today & overtime $$$
January 20th, 2012 at 03:18 pm
January 20th, 2012 at 03:26 pm 1327073207